10 Simple Ways to a More Joy Filled January -Beating the Winter Blues with 10 easy. inexpensive activities guaranteed to add some happy!
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Struggling with the Winter Blues
The January Blues -or should we just say winter blues because God knows it's not over in January, hello February and March blues, the winter blues are real for many of us. And they are a struggle for many of us. After the height of Christmas and all those celebrations the thoughts of a long, cold, dark winter make many of us a little blue-sy.
Heading into this New Year, I have been thinking lots lately about the purpose of Life is a Party. I want it to be a place that inspires us to Celebrate Every Day. Celebrating Every Day has two meanings -celebrating more with lots of parties, but secondly to celebrate the every day mundane, and look for ways to make it more joy filled. I've come up with a list of 10 Simple Ways to a More Joy Filled January -Beating the Winter Blues. They're pretty simple, and not expensive, and hopefully extremely do-able.
10 Simple Ways to a More Joy Filled January -Beating the Winter Blues
1. Try a New Recipe
Try a new recipe. Whether you're trying to change your eating habits in the New Year, or not, January is a great time to try a new recipe. Go to the effort. Buy all the weird ingredients -make a list, and just go for it. That thing that you love getting at a restaurant but were never brave enough to try at home -try it. There is a recipe for everything on-line. What's the worst that can happen? It doesn't turn out. There's always scrambled eggs, and the fun memory of trying something new. Even better do it with someone else so that you can enjoy the fruits of your labour with them or laugh at what went wrong together.
2. Buy a Plant
Buy a plant. Living here in Canada, there's no green or life outside right now. There is something about seeing something living and growing that's life giving. Pick up some bulbs and watch them grow each day, or try a house plant. If it dies, it dies. Enjoy its beauty while it lasts. It was probably no more expensive than some cut flowers. And if it lives, it lives!
3. Create Something
Create something. Go ahead and make something with your very own hands. Paint, sew, build a model, make some ear rings, try knitting, write a poem, take some pictures. Just make something. It truly makes you feel alive.
4. Watch An Old Movie
Watch an old favourite movie. The best part about getting old, is forgetting what happens in old movies, but remembering you like them. Anyone with me? Put on an old favourite, get in your pjs, pop some popcorn and enjoy.
5. Book Dinner with a Friend
Book dinner with a friend, or lunch, or even breakfast. Meet them halfway between your houses. And then go away with that great thought that you should do it more often -and do. 😉
6. Read a Book
Read a great book. I'm not the biggest reader myself, but there is something about reading a great book that is such a pleasure. One that we usually reserve for vacation, beside the pool, or on the beach. January needs a good book too. And maybe a pina colada.
7. Go For a Walk
Go for a walk. It's amazing what getting outside can do for you. I live in Canada. It's cold. But, I was also raised in Canada and I own a few toques too. Ever heard the expression "there's no such thing as bad weather, only inadequate clothing". Dress warmly for the weather and enjoy the fresh air, and the beauty of nature. It really does make you feel great. And there's always warming up after with a hot drink to look forward to.
8. Clean and Organize Something
Clean something. Organize something. It's January, it's just the right thing to do. And there is something about getting things cleaned up and organized that makes you feel amazing afterward. There are seasons in life, and this is the purging, organizing, cleaning one so don't miss it. And bring all your "no longer sparking joy" items to the second hand store because #savetheearth.
9. Invite Someone Over
Invite someone over to your house. They're expereincing the long winter too and would probably love to come over for dinner or dessert, or just coffee. Light some candles, open a bottle of wine, cook something really yummy and remember how much you actually really love your friends. Remember they probably don't care if your house is perfectly tidy, that's just the lie we listen to and use as an excuse to not invite anyone in. And you very rarely meet a truly happy, joyful hermit -just sayin'. Inviting people into our homes, and ultimately our lives is the more joyful way.
10. Have a Bubble Bath
Have a bubble bath. There is something about the feeling of luxury, and care in taking a bubble bath which is good for the soul. Put on some nice music, light some candles, and use that bubble bath that's been in the cupboard for ages. Get all warm and cozy and clean. Relax. Be nice to yourself.
I hope some to these simple ideas resonate with you, and might help you create a more joy filled winter. It's not a to-do list, just a happy little list of ideas that might make you a bit happier and more light filled during these winter months. These won't solve your depression, and if that's you, you might need a little help from a doctor. But if you're just struggling and looking for ways to create a bit more happiness, these ideas might help you get through these winter months. I'll be trying to do some of them, and I'll be sharing some on Instagram. I'd love to see some pics if you try any too -tag me on Instagram or share on our Facebook page and help spread a little light.
With all these fun ideas to inspire us, life really is a party.
Dalene says
What wonderful ideas????