Halloween Movie Night: free printable movie ticket, poster, cupcake pics, bottled water wrap, and Halloween banners plus popcorn bar ideas.

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We love a good movie night around here, so we thought it would be fun to create a Halloween Movie Night to celebrate the season and get into the Halloween spirit. This little party would be perfect for a Halloween family movie night, or a fun Halloween party, or Halloween Night.
The free printables make it easy to create at your own home to enjoy while watching the best Halloween movies.
Free Halloween Movie Night Printables
The printables for this spooky season movie night are so cute. I hope you love them as much as I do. They're perfect for bringing your party together and they're available for free for a limited time for Life is a Party subscribers in our Free Printable Library. Subscribe to the blog below for instant access.
To use the printables, just download and print on your home printer, or at your favourite office supply store or printer. Then use them to style your own party. In our Halloween Movie Night printable set there's a fun movie night ticket, perfect for inviting your kids, family, or friends.
Along with the movie night ticket, there's also a fun Halloween poster, cupcake picks, bottled water wrap, and several versions of a Halloween banner.
Living Room or Backyard?
We love the idea of enjoying classic Halloween movies from the comfort of your own home by turning your living room into a Halloween movie theater. Set up a cozy evening on your couch with lots of pillows, throws, decor, and party snacks. And the best part? How about instead of wearing Halloween costumes, you wear Halloween pjs?
You could also create this Halloween movie night outside. Watch your favorite Halloween movies on an inflatable screen in the backyard with a outdoor movie projector. Invite friends to your outdoor movie night using our printable ticket. Light a bonfire and enjoy your perfect Halloween movie night in the moonlight.
The Snack Table
On the table I used some pink tulle as a tablecloth. It's really inexpensive and you can pick it up at the fabric store. It comes in all kinds of colours, but pink was perfect for our party. I love how it adds a bit of whimsy to the table. We also used some cute mini star lights, that fit with our printables and the Halloween feel perfectly. You could also add regular string lights.
I used a simple black frame to add our printable poster to the table. "Eat, Drink, and Be Scary" indeed! This is such a fun and easy way to add themed decorations to any party. Store your frame and switch out the poster for any occasion.
We also added in a few pumpkins, perfect for Halloween.
DIY Pink Cauldrons
I thought it would be fun to serve our popcorn in some pink cauldrons. We picked up some black plastic cauldrons at the dollar store, and spray painted them in three different shades of pink. Look for spray paint that is compatible with plastic. Remember it's best to do many light coats of spray paint to avoid drips in the paint and ensure a smooth finish. Once the paint was dry, I lined the cauldrons with plastic wrap to make sure they were safe for food for our Halloween treats.
For the party, I filled them with popcorn. I picked our family favourites and used buttered movie theatre style popcorn, white cheddar popcorn, and caramel corn.
Here's another tip, depending on the size of your get together, if you don't want to fill them all the way, because they are quite large, add a little crumpled parchment paper in the bottom to take up a little space, and then add your popcorn.
These easy snacks were a big hit. You could also drizzle some homemade popcorn with some orange and white chocolate and add Halloween sprinkles, mini candy eye balls, and Halloween candy to the mix for a really fun popcorn treat to fit the spooky mood. Also check out all our ghost themed snacks for more ideas.
More Halloween Movie Night Snacks
I also included some adorable cupcake picks with our printable set. Just print them, cut them out with a large circle punch, and then use hot glue to attach a tooth pick to the back. The cupcake picks are a great way to dress up some simple store bought cupcakes.
Some more sweet treats for a Halloween movie night you might include are homemade caramel apples, and a candy bar assortment.
Here's another entertaining tip. I didn't have a dessert stand in the right size so I used a small pink plate, set on top of a small pink bowl, turned upside down.
For drinks for this party we served bottled water and dressed it up with some printable bottled water wraps. Just print, cut, and attach to the bottle with some tape.
Our swamp water punch would be a fun Halloween option too.
Halloween Banners
One of my favourite elements to this party is the adorable Halloween banner. I used my Cricut and the print then cut feature. Because this banner is quite detailed, it worked really well to cut it out with the Cricut.
If you don't have a Cricut, you could of course cut it out by hand, it would just take a little while. I also added some glitter details to the cut outs with different coloured glitters, and a glue stick. To create the banner I used a mini hole punch, some pink embroidery cotton, and a needle to thread them.
I love this cute little banner, and I think it would be great decor for the whole Halloween season. The little spider is so cute. He would also look very cute with some spider webs.
I also added a less intricate banner that would be easier to cut out, along with a simple "Happy Halloween" banner as well. Use any or all of them as a fun touch to your movie night, or as part of your Halloween decor after the party.
Subscribe For Free Halloween Printables
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With our free Halloween Movie Night printables, life really is a party!
More Movie Nights
You might also enjoy our regular Free Movie Night Printables here.
Also check out our Movie Date Night At Home here.
Dannyelle says
Hi Liz,
I've sent you an email to help about the password, if you don't see it have a look in your emails "junk" file. I'd love to help and get you those free printables.
Liz says
Love the movie night tickets!! Wish I could get the password set up after i subscribed but never worked! How cute though!
Sarah @ The DIY Mommy says
Your printables are so great! I love a good Halloween movie!
Colleen Pastoor says
These are great printables. I love the addition of pink!
Jenn says
How fun is this??? You have the best party printables!
Danielle says
So adorable! We LOVE Halloween! Love this printable.