Birch Christmas Wreath: full tutorial to make your own square wreath from some gathered greens, birch logs, and a coat hanger. Perfect for Christmas.

It’s November, and already time to start thinking about Christmas! This birch wreath is the perfect touch to your door this Christmas.
This year I’m planning on going for a white Christmas look at my house, which got me thinking how pretty some birch branches would be. I also knew I wanted to use some traditional Christmas greens. So, off to the woods I went with my little pruning shears. Nothing gets you into the Christmas spirit like the smell of fresh cut pine…and there may or may not have been a little, tiny bit of Christmas music involved, but I promise I wasn’t into the Christmas cheer yet. 😉
Birch Wreath Materials:
- coat hanger for wreath form
- pliers
- mixed fresh greens -pine, cedar, fir
- spool wire
- 4 birch pieces
- wooden stars
- old book pages
- mod podge
- glitter
- little house lantern
To Make The Wreath:
Creating the Wreath Base
1. I wanted to make this simple wreath out of inexpensive things around the house so I used a few coat hangers for the base. Using pliers helped to un-twist them, and then form them into a rectangle shape. I used two to make the form a little sturdier.
Adding Greens
2. To put the greens on to the wire form, just cut little pieces, and create small mixed little bundles of three or so pieces. I used a combination of pine, fir, and cedar, but whatever you can find will work. Next, take your little bundle, and use thin wire to attach it to the wreath. Just lay your greens on the wire wreath form where you want them, and wind the wire around the bundle and the form to secure it. Then, create another bundle of greens, and over lap it over the previous bundle, and wrap with the wire again working your way all the way around the wreath. Easy peasy. Although…a little prickly so you might want to wear some gloves for this part.
Once you’ve worked all the way around the wreath secure your wire, and the base is done.
The Birch Logs
3. The next layer is the birch logs. I had some, and just used a hand saw to cut them to length. I attached the birch to the wreath with some more thin wire. For the top birch piece, I used white wire so it would blend in.
4. The next step is decorating. I think I’m developing a thing for little tiny houses. Remember my little house village from last year? Well they’ll be making a reappearance this year…along with some friends. When I saw this little white metal house at the craft store months ago, I thought it would look so sweet in a wreath with little battery operated light inside.
I kind of love how it turned out.
5. I wanted to keep it simple, but couldn’t help myself from adding one more sweet little detail, some stars. I used some wooden stars and added some book page paper to the front, and then added a little glitter. You know since it’s Christmas and I’m now officially allowed to glitter everything.
To attached the stars to the wreath, I just hot glued some little wires to the back and wired them into the wreath.
I’m loving this simple, rustic Christmas wreath, and the little house is so sweet lit up at night with a battery operated tea light.
With a birch wreath like this one, life really is a party!
More Inspiration
You might also like our Modern Boho Christmas Wreath here.
Also check out our Scandinavian Christmas Wreath here.
You might also enjoy our Christmas Front Porch here.
Bobbie Becker says
I adore this birch wreath with the little house. I could feel my heart flutter as I just stared at it. I don't have any evergreens anymore so I will have to make a trip to the woods. It's just so darn cute! I can't wait to make it this weekend.
dnr says
Hi Stephanie, I picked up the little house at Michaels craft store, but it was a few years ago, so I'm not sure if they still have it. Any craft store should have something similar though that would work.
Best of luck,
Stephanie M Earls says
Love this. Where can I find the little house though?
Alexandra says
This wreath is incredibly gorgeous!
ramjisro says
Thanks Carole!
Carole says
I love this wreath! Thanks for sharing.
dnr says
Hi Marcia, I love the little paper houses too, but thought the metal would stand up better outside. If you'd like to see more of the cardboard houses, check out mine here.
dnr says
Thanks Jennifer, so glad to share.
Jennifer Forest says
Oooooohhhhhhh! I LOVE this beautiful rustic wreath! Brilliant! I'm all about rustic decor and this will be perfect for the next Winter Holiday Season.
Thank you very much for your brilliant idea and creativity!
Marcia Loftin says
years ago I found a book on how to make these little houses out of lightweight cardboard, then covering them with the paper ribbon. There are also little churches in the book. I have been making regular wreaths and including the little houses for years. If anyone would like the name of the craft book I would be glad to share the title. Marcia
dnr says
Hi Karen,
I picked up mine at Michaels, near the miniatures, and fairy garden stuff. Hope this helps.
Best of luck,
Karen says
Love this wreath and the charming little metal house! Where can these be found? I've looked online with little success. Thank you for help in finding these!
dnr says
Lucy you are the sweetest, let it me so. 😉
Lucy says
I'm.calling it right now...this is going to be featured in a magazine! Love it so...xo